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  • Hey Ya!

    Adna volunteered to route this week, which can only mean one thing: welcome to a rando suburbia tour! By popular request (that is one request from @AlisonD) we will go and check out Colinton Tunnel. Meeting at the Meadows - Pavilion Cafe for an 8 pm departure. We're going for a castle finish this time round - because why not?!

    The same rules apply: no-drop group and we will wait for everyone at key turning points. As always, this city group ride is more about claiming some precious & potholed tarmac space, rather than chasing QOMs. The only essential thing is to have a working bike - any type will do! Some tools to fix a flat tire would be grand (in case disaster strikes, you will get help with it ;) ).

    Can you comment below if you would like to stick with 8pm timing going forward (from next week) or whether it would be useful to bring the meeting forward to 7-ish? No wrong answers - just checking if this still works for folkettes.


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