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  • Hello QoPlettes!

    We are having a lot of our guys cycling the Pennine Rally away so Gabi will be at the helm for this week's ride. She's gonna steer us through the bike lanes of north Edinburgh on a loop to Cramond and back - route posted below.

    No drops as always. We will wait at key points to keep the group together. These group rides are more about claiming some precious & potholed tarmac space, rather than chasing QOMs. The only essential thing to have is a working bike - any type will do. The days are long now but fully charged lights are a must incase we get held up and we encourage you to wear a helmet! A small request that everyone checks their brakes beforehand as we want to keep you all safe. A spare tube to fix a flat tire is a must and some tools would be grand but there will always be someone with tools to help out if you need to borrow anything (in case disaster strikes, you will get help with it).

    Catch you on the flip side.


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