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  • Cycling, croissants* and city-exploring are a few of our favourite things. For this QoPain au Chocolat, we will meet at Haymarket at 9 AM and take a quick 20 minute ride out via cycle paths to Patina. There baked goods and coffees and cool sculpture gardens await! We will take a 30-45min stop and enjoy treats before heading off on the rest of our 23km ride which takes us through Cramond and along our city’s beautiful cycle paths (full route to be posted Wednesday).

    This will be a strictly no-drop ride. We will wait at key points to keep the group together. These group rides are more about claiming some precious & potholed tarmac space, rather than chasing QOMs. The only essential thing to have is a working bike - any type will do! We also encourage you to wear a helmet! A small request that everyone checks their brakes beforehand as we want to keep you all safe. A spare tube to fix a flat tyre is a must and some tools would be grand but there will always be someone with tools to help out if you need to borrow anything (if disaster strikes, you will get help). Our rides are completely self supported which mean we will be there for you as best we can but you are ultimately responsible for your own safety and wellbeing.

    *Note: Patina always have 1 vegan bun and 1 vegan sandwich option on.


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