• Hey Queen Sconnoisseurs!

    Looking forward to seeing you all for the first of our birthday celebrations. Following this week’s biblical weather I did a final recce today - all looking good, though there are HUGE puddles we’ll need to carefully navigate.

    Whilst the forecast is looking much better for our ride, this may change so please ensure you have enough layers, waterproofs etc to keep yourself as toasty and dry as possible. The high winds are forecasted to arrive around 13:00, so I’ll be keeping an on time and progress along the way.

    A reminder that our cafe stop is 18 miles / 25k in, so we encourage you to have breakfast and bring all the snacks and liquids you think you might need before this.

    Lastly, please take your name off the list if you’re no longer able to attend. We appreciate that plans can change, and there may be another Queen to happily snaffle your spot. We also need to ensure we know who’s coming so we can check we have everyone ahead of our Grand Depart.

    See you at 08:30!

    Sim x


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