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  • Hello to you brave souls that are still signed up for this birthday bonanza bike ride!

    The weather is looking less than optimal but not terrible (hopefully little to no rain) so we're going ahead with the full ride. Adna has supplied some stats on the wind - see attached. Thankfully we are setting off early when the wind is at its lowest but regardless it will be strong on the route to Glasgow which will effect the effort and pace. It also looks chilly in the morning but much warmer as the day passes so start wrapped up and have somewhere to stash layers incase you decide to take them off!

    Please bring decent, easy to grab snacks! The headwind on the way out will have us burning energy quickly.

    If you decide to switch your direction/avoid the outward headwind, no shame but let me know here so I can keep a track of who we are waiting for at the start and who we are waiting for in Glasgow. We do have a table booked and all going well Adna will be there to grab it for us at 1pm and welcome everyone rolling in.

    Any questions ask away. If you'd rather keep it private feel free to WhatsApp me. Really looking forward to this. So cool to be celebrating QoPs birthday with our longest group ride!

    2 Attachments

    • Wind.jpeg
    • Temp and Rain.jpeg

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