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  • HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY TO QOP!! We have come so far in the last three years so why not pedal far to celebrate it!?

    Route Information
    Many of you know that you can pootle along the canal path from Edinburgh to Glasgow and back, but for this ride we are going to explore the lesser know, more direct route which follows much of the NCR75. We will set off from Fountainbridge, shortly joining the cycle path at Murrayfield. From there we head past the airport, Ratho Station and saying goodbye to Edinburgh at the Broxburn Viaduct. We keep heading West along mainly shared walkways and off road cycle paths all the way to Coatbridge where we will ride past the west coasts beloved Timecapsule. Sticking to cycleways as best we can we will start to share the roads with cars more often as we head closer to Glasgow. Once there, we will roll in to West Brewery at the edge of Glasgow Green for some lunch and a rest. If the sun is out we can enjoy their extensive outdoor seating, if not they have saved a spot for us indoors. Once everyone is satisfied we will head off to do the whole thing again in reverse!

    Riding Information
    I will be putting a minimum average speed on this event of 21km/h (13mph). The overall route is around 161km (100miles) with lunch booked for 1pm - 3pm. We will set off at 8am with the hope of arriving back at Fountainbridge for 8pm. Adding minimum speeds to rides is not something Queens of Pain like to do as we understand it is a barrier to entry and can be very off putting but for this particular ride I felt it is important to make sure those who join get home at a reasonable time, in as much daylight as possible.

    There are plenty of stations along the way so there are regular outs if needed. There are also plenty of opportunities for snack and pee stops however, we will try our best to coordinate these as a group to limit faff time - this is a long ride for QoP but if we make good progress we will have more time to relax in Glasgow. Although there are plenty of supply stops, I encourage you to bring all the snacks and liquids you think you might need for a full day in the saddle.

    Some of you will be joining us for a one way ride which is great! Please let me know know in the comments if you have signed up to do the out and back or one direction (and which direction that is). I can plot a route from Queens Street Station to West Brewery for anyone who needs it. If spaces fill up but you want to join one way leave a comment and maybe you can be a relay buddy with someone else doing one way!

    As we know, things don’t always go to plan so think about packing extra layers incase the temperatures start to drop or the weather changes: some sort of waterproof layer is essential, we’re in Scotland after all! If you are running tubes, please bring TWO spares and patches as well as all the tools you might need - some of these sections had lot’s of broken glass around during the last recce. If you are tubeless I recommend a Dynaplug repair kit (other types/brands will do but I have found these to be the most effective) and a spare tube just incase!

    This is a no-drop ride and we will wait at key points to keep the group together but unlike our usual rides I will be encouraging a steady pace as mentioned before. Please have a good check over your bike a few days before hand to make sure it is in full working order. Fully charged lights are a must and we encourage you to wear a helmet!

    Our rides are completely self supported which mean we will be there for you as best we can but by signing up for this ride, you agree that Queens of Pain and the ride leaders are not responsible for your safety - you are ultimately responsible for your own safety and well being.


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